Genius Hour Part 4
Well its already Thanksgiving break and its hard to believe my tech journey and genius hour project are coming to an end already. After the completion of the trailer for my perogie genius hour, I knew it was time to make them. At this point I got my gramma with me so she could at least tell me a couple secrets on making them before we started (this was also the batch we're using for my family for thanksgiving so according to her its "important you don't screw (which sounded a lot like a word starting with F) this up or else the whole family will blame you for no perogies this year". What an inspirational pep talk to give your grandson. Thankfully it seems like the perogies made it out ok, now they wait in the fridge until thanksgiving for the ultimate test of seeing if my family can tell it was me and not my gramma who made a portion of them (it's a slim chance but it's there). Hopefully there's no technical difficulties with my recordings of the co...